Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top Stocking Stuffers

I'm not sure if these technology gadgets really could fit into a stocking, but here is the top 10 (or so) list of what was most popular for Christmas gifts this year.

Drum roll please...

  1. iPad 2
  2. Kindle Fire
  3. Apple TV
  4. iPhone 4S/iPod Touch
  5. MacBook Air
  6. Nook Color
  7. Wii
  8. Playstation 3
  9. iPod Shuffle (2GB)
  10. iPad Bluetooth Keyboard Attachment (see #1).
Bonus gift: Freehands gloves! (not on some lists, but a must-have for you texters)

Now, the real fun begins. Learning how to use these tools effectively! Whether you are an educator or not, one simple rule applies: get to know your technology.  Before you start spending a considerable amount of time with your new (and probably pricey) gadget, read about it. Use your new gift in small amounts and in a stress free, low risk environment. Enjoy the technology, don't start off with frustration. While instruction manuals and how to guides can be cumbersome, talk to those around you who have used the technology item before. What are some tricks or shortcuts they have used? Also, every company has a website on how to use their product, you can also check there. Sometimes they will post quick tips, videos, or a blog where others post their successes or challenges with the technology equipment.

You will save yourself time in the long run if you take the time now to understand what makes your technology tick.

NOTE: This list is in no particular order as it truly depends on who your sources are. I blended the lists from two websites: and;brandnav

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