Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Break?

It IS Spring Break at Rockhurst, but that doesn't necessarily mean there is a break from learning!  This week I have been meeting, reading and talking with community members, teachers, students about new technology in the classroom. Don't feel so sorry for me yet, it has been over coffee, email, or I am enjoying the relaxing aspect of a week away from campus. 

This week has shown me how exciting learning can be with technology as I could be just pushing this all aside until next week. But, what I have been discussing with others has been extremely interesting!  Many exciting opportunities are coming to our students in the KC area in the next few weeks-next few years. There are several schools in our area going to 1:1 devices, mainly iPads. Undergraduate students in my course: Technology in the Classroom will be sponsoring Tech Clubs in two of our local Catholic Schools once a week for free.  Several teachers I have talked with this week have shared articles, workshops, blogs they have learned from on how to further improve their use of technology in their own classrooms. Out of all these  conversations, one theme is apparent: selective use of technology tools for learning. More and more educators are realizing the importance of taking the technology integration into the the classroom with ease and purpose. No longer can we afford to take a 'break' from questioning the specific purchase and use of technology with our students.  I applaud those educators who would rather research, reflect and THEN integrate the technology found to be the best supporting material for students and themselves rather than jumping on the next fast bandwagon to the latest and greatest gadget.

To all of you who are on spring break or have spring break coming up...learning comes in all shapes, sizes, and situations. Don't take a break from learning!

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